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User Experience First.

Advertising can help us build a better web. Over the years, online ad supply has exploded as publishers try to keep up with revenue targets.

We think it’s time to reset the supply-demand curve. 

It starts by rewarding quality over quantity. We find the publishers that offer the best ad experiences for users AND brands.

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Hi – 

I’m Rick Abell.

I’ve spent over 20 years in digital advertising. Having been both on the advertiser side and the publisher side of the industry, I understand the challenges (and opportunities!) we face.

I believe there is a lot we can do here to improve the digital experience for everyone, and I’d love to chat with you about it. Give us a shout below👇

Brands are Built Through Trusted Media

In Kantar’s Media Reactions 2020 study, consumers ranked their most trusted media platforms. Offline media channels all fared the best. Online display ads ranked 19th.
Global Media Trust Rankings with Cinema #1 Sponsored #2 and Online Display #19
Let’s bring trust back to online display.
Let’s build a faster, friendlier web.

Why User Experience is Win-Win-Win:


Faster websites save users time and make for a more enjoyable experience.


Quality ad environments increase user attention and generate brand awareness.


Publishers are rewarded for creating content and experiences that brands and users love.

Get in touch

We’d love to hear from you!