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User Experience Advertising

Don’t let your ads drown.

The ad market is flooded with bad inventory.

Want your advertising to have an impact?

We help you find websites that deliver positive user experiences – and results.

Inventory Lab - User Experience Metrics Screenshot

Ad environment matters.

It’s easy for your brand’s message to get lost in the sea of trillions of impressions.

We help brands optimize for the best user experience.

Need for Speed

Slow websites frustrate users and waste ad spend. Visitors abandon websites that take too long to load. Don’t be stuck paying for ghost ads.

Push for Privacy

With today’s increased awareness on tracking and privacy, users want to spend time with websites and apps they trust. Websites littered with trackers can erode that trust, and be at risk of user privacy violations. 

Avoid #Badvertising

Pages stacked with intrusive ad formats, autoplay video units, and frequent ad refreshes degrade brand perception. Users appreciate visual clarity.

Cut It Out

The average user sees 5,000 ads per day. Cut out the inventory with high ad bombardment and laser focus your spend where your brand message will be heard.

Inventory Lab Screenshot Zoomed In on User Experience Data and Rankings

How Inventory Lab works

Create Customized Lists

Curate your high-quality inclusion list based on your brand’s desired user experience and targeting criteria.

Website Rankings

We test every publisher on the web, distilling 200+ user experience metrics for each site into one Overall Grade.

Finalize and Export

Download your new quality inclusion list for use in your preferred DSP or buying platform of choice. Then watch your ad efficiency skyrocket.

Legacy Metrics Will Tell You What You Want to Hear.

Viewability Icon


The bar is set way too low. Only 50% of your ad has to be seen for 1 second for an ad to count as viewable.

And it’s easily gamed. This is why offending sites crowd 8 ads at the top of a page.

Attribution Icon


View-through attribution was created as a way for advertising platforms to report more results and overstate impact.

Ads that aren’t seen at all, or are on-screen with 7 other ads all receive the same credit for driving behavior.

Reach and Frequency Icon


Not all ad opportunities should be treated equally. Did your ad really reach your target audience if it was never seen?

Positive user experience websites with healthy ad environments allow you to connect with your audience.

15% of all ad spend is wasted.

In June of 2023, the ANA released results from their industry study.

Made for Advertising (MFA) Websites comprised a startling 21 percent of study impressions and 15 percent of ad spend.

MFA sites usually feature low-quality content, such as fake news, conspiracy theories, or spammy links, and may use tactics such as pop-up ads, auto-play videos, or intrusive ads to maximize ad revenue for the site owner.

Get a demo

Better ad inventory offers better opportunities to connect with your audience.

See what user experience metrics can do for your brand.

Book your demo now!